器物編號: F1939.19
1. Bought through C. T. Loo and Company, New York, from Chang Nai chi [Zhang Naiji] 張乃驥. For price, see Freer Gallery of Art Purchase List After 1920.
2. (John Ellerton Lodge, 1939) See Folder F1939.6, Paragraph 2.
3. (Undated Folder Sheet note) Compare Paul Pelliot, Jades Archaïques de Chine Appartenant a M. C. T. Loo [Paris et Bruxelles: G. van Oest, 1925], Pls. VIII, IX and XVI; Alfred Salmony, Carved Jade of Ancient China [Berkeley, CA: Gillick Press, 1938], Pls. VII: 4 and VIII: 1, 2, 3; but there is no indication that this blade was ever part of any other object. In connection with the exquisite quality of the work, compare F1917.396, F19 19.17, F1939.20, F1941.3.
4. (Undated Folder Sheet note) Sp. G. is 2.888.
5. (Julia K. Murray, 1980) Exhibition Ancient Chinese Jade label text; moved to label field.
6. (Julia K. Murray, 1982) For a general discussion of jade ko [ge] 戈, see Folder Sheet F1917.396.
Miniature ko [ge] 戈 like F1939.19 may have been used as pendants rather than as ceremonial implements (see
Folder Sheet F1979.33). The tang of F1939.19 is stepped, however, and it is possible that it was made to fit into a handle. Small ko [ge] 戈 of similar size and shape, with the drooping point, have been excavated from the late Shang 商 site at I tu [Yidu] 益都, Shangtung [Shandong] 山東 (Shandong sheng bowuguan 山東省博物館, "Shandong Yidu Sufutun diyihao nuli xunzangmu 山東益都蘇埠屯第一號奴隸殉葬墓," Wenwu 文物 1972.8, p. 30, fig. 38: 2) and the early Western Chou [Zhou] 周 site at Feng his [Fengxi] 灃西, Shensi [Shaanxi] 陝西 (Zhongguo kexueyuan kaogu yanjiusuo 中國科學院考古研究所, Fengxi fajue baogao 灃西發掘報告 [Beijing: Wenwu chubanshe, 1962], pl. 61.5).
7. (Stephen Allee per Keith Wilson, June 12, 2008) Changed Object name from "Blade" to "Jewelry (pendant)"; changed Title from "Miniature blade" to "Ge 戈 shaped pendant." Added Previous Owner to Constituents (Zhang Naiqi, 1897--1977). Added Dimensions per Christine Lee, from Jade Project Database.
8. (Jeffrey Smith per Keith Wilson, July 17, 2008) Jewelry added as secondary classification.
9. (Stephen Allee, March 23, 2009) Added designation "nephrite" to Medium as per Janet Douglas using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (January 8, 2009).
10. (Stephen Allee, June 2, 2009) Corrected name of Previous Owner from Zhang Naiqi to Zhang Naiji 張乃驥 and added Chinese characters, as well as his life dates (1899--1948) and a brief biography.
11. (Susan Kitsoulis per Keith Wilson, May 24, 2010) Changed Object name from "Jewelry (pendant)" to "Jewelry."
12. (Najiba Choudhury per Keith Wilson, January 9, 2020) Title changed from "Ge-shaped pendant" to "Dagger-axe (ge 戈)"; Period One changed from "Shang dynasty or Western Zhou dynasty" to "Late Shang dynasty or Western Zhou dynasty"; Date changed from "ca. 12th-11th century BCE" to "ca. 1100-ca. 1000 BCE"; Object name changed from "Jewelry" to "Ceremonial object"; added Chinese Caption by Jingmin Zhang.
13. (Jeffrey Smith per Keith Wilson, October 4, 2024) Classification changed from "Jewelry and Ornament" to "Ceremonial Object."
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