1. (Jessica Rawson, Undated Folder Sheet note) This vertical almost cylindrical jade appears to have fitted into something else, or to have had a function that determined its shape. A parrot-like bird with a neat round head and hooked beak is carved at the top of the cylinder. Wings wrap around the back of jade; feathers are indicated by the same neat ridges with hooked ends observed on the preceding piece. Two ridges encircle the jade just below the wings. The stone is pale gray-blue.
An almost identical piece has been retrieved from the tomb of Fu Hao 婦好 (Zhongguo shehui kexueyuan kaogu yanjiusuo 中國社會科學院考古研究所, Yinxu Fu Hao mu 殷墟婦好墓 (Beijing: Wenwu chubanshe, 1980], pl. CLXII:2).
2. (Thomas Lawton, June 19, 1989) Attribution changed from "Western Zhou 周 dynasty" to "Shang 商 dynasty, ca. 1200 BCE."
3. (Jeffrey Smith per Keith Wilson, July 29, 2008) Ceremonial object added as secondary classification.
4. (Susan Kitsoulis per Keith Wilson, October 21, 2010) According to information provided by Chan Lai Pak, J. S. Lee Memorial Post Doctorial Fellow, date has been changed from "ca. 11th century BCE" to "ca. 2200--2000 BCE" and period changed from "Shang 商 dynasty" to "Late Neolithic period."
Title changed from "Handle (bing 柄)" to "Finial in the form of a standing bird"; object name changed from "Handle (bing 柄)" to "Finial"; added "Shijiahe 石家河 culture" to constituent field. Added "Hubei 湖北 province, Middle Yangzi 揚子 valley" to geographic location.
5. (Najiba Choudhury, August 17, 2016) Title changed from "Finial in the form of a standing bird" to "Finial (?) in the form of a standing bird"; date changed from "ca. 2200-2000 BCE" to "ca. 2500--2000 BCE"; added description and past label text.
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