Ceramics in Mainland Southeast Asia

Bottle with two vertical ring handles

Bottle with two ring handles at mouth and string-cut foot, fly-ash glaze on one side.

  • Bottle with two vertical ring handles
  • Bottle with two vertical ring handles
North-central Thailand, Sukhothai province, Si Satchanalai, Sawankhalok kilns
Stoneware with fly-ash glaze
Credit Line
Gift of Osborne and Gratia Hauge, and Victor and Takako Hauge
National Museum of Asian Art Collection
Sawankhalok ware
H x Diam (overall): 13 x 9.5 cm (5 1/8 x 3 3/4 in)
Accession Number
On View Location
Currently not on view
Sukhothai period or Ayutthaya period, 13th-14th century
Ayutthaya period (1351 - 1767), fly-ash glaze, Sawankhalok ware, stoneware, Sukhothai period (ca. 1219/1243 - 1378), Thailand
Curatorial Remarks
  • 1. (Louise Cort, 14  January 2007) Don Hein associated glazed bottles ("barrel jarlets")  in a generally Ming Chinese style with the wares made at Si Satchanalai that he  terms LASW (Late Stoneware) (Hein 2001, fig. 43l). Although Hein is cautious  about dating, he suggests that LASW dates to 15th–16th century (Hein  1999, 150).

    Changed Date from Late 16th–18th century to 15th–16th  century.

    Hein, Don. 2001. "The Sawankhalok Ceramic Industry:  from Domestic Enterprise  to Regional Entrepreneur". PhD Thesis, Department of Science and  Technology, Deakin University, Melbourne.

    Hein, Don. 1999. "The First Underglaze Painted  Decoration at Sawankhalok: identification of a key influence? (Diqu shouci  chuxian de youxia caihui: Taigou taoci tazhan shi shang wailai yingxiang de  zhongyao xiansuo?)." Guoli Taiwan daxue Meishushi yanjiu jikan  (The Taida Journal of Art History) 7: 137–158.

    2. (Louise Cort, 10  February 2007) In an email message today Don Hein wrote, "The small eared  jar looks like an early Sawankhalok piece. They are often roughly potted,  either unglazed or with a degraded brownish-black glaze, the base is usually  plain (no well) and either showing a sand texture surface or cordcut marks. I  cannot recall seeing any of the type at Singburi and having just checked Chārưk  Wilaikǣo's 1990 report (Tao Mǣnam Nǭi  2) none are listed (we worked together at Si Satchanalai and I visited him  at Singburi several times while the excavation was in progress). The jar type  continued to be made at Si Satchanalai but better potted and usually green or  brown glazed."

    In a previous message he identified the production phases as  MON—the initial phase of operation at Si Satchanalai, when potters used inground  kilns.

    Changed Period from Ayutthaya  period to Sukhothai or Ayutthaya  period. Changed Date from 15th–16th century to 13th–14th  century.

    Chārưk Wilaikǣo  (Charuk Wilaykaen). 1990. Tao Mǣnam  Nǭi 2 [Maenam Noi Kilns,  part 2]. Bangkok:  Krom Sinlapākǭn (Fine Arts Department).

    3. (Louise Cort, 29  May 2008) Don Hein, in Washington  to present the Pope Memorial Lecture, confirmed that an early date is OK for  this bottle.

Previous owner(s)
Victor and Takako Hauge
From at least 1973 to 2005
Mr. and Mrs. Osborne and Gratia Hauge [1]

From 2005
Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, gift of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hauge in 2005 [2]


[1] Object file. Acquired while Mr. and Mrs. Osborne and Gratia Hauge were living in Bangkok (1967-1972 or 1973). Major sources of acquisitions during this time were dealers in Bangkok, the weekend market in Bangkok, and vendors in Ayutthaya.

[2] Ownership of collected objects sometimes changed between the Hauge families.
Bottle with two ring handles at mouth and string-cut foot, fly-ash glaze on one side.
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